Trinity Phillips
Trinity Phillips
At twenty years old, nearly three hundred pounds and an overall dissatisfaction with the person staring back from the mirror, Trinity decided it was time for a lifestyle change. Grateful for the support & guidance of a close friend who had already completed a successful journey back to health & wellness, Trinity soon found himself nearly one hundred pounds lighter and full of a new found drive and passion to use his knowledge and success in a way that would impact others. Advising on ways to improve their own quality of life, he discovered his first true calling as a member of the health & fitness industry.
Seeing a complete picture of the client is very important to Trinity. The belief that you can not fully achieve success unless the physical, mental and emotional aspects of an individuals health and well-being have all been addressed has shown to be of the utmost concern. Once he has a complete picture of each client, he is then able to formulate individual fitness modules targeted to provide the most optimum level of success including meal & diet planning, cardiovascular & strength routines and body fat analysis. Through the harnessing of his own personal story of victory, experience, wisdom and complete dedication to each client’s treatment as a whole, Trinity hopes to do his part in changing lives each day. While Trinity Fitness LLC is known for meeting the needs of every client, be them novice or athlete, his primary goal has always been to provide even the average person with the building blocks necessary to create their own path to wellness.
My Philosophy
Total wellness should be the number one priority for everyone, but it doesn't need to be built around sacrifice and misery. Finding ways to stay active, incorporating some form of resistance training and maintaining a dietary intake that is not only sustainable but enjoyable are the keys to long term success. Without finding that balance between your physical, nutritional, psychological and spiritual selves, your journey to wellness will be difficult and at times overwhelming. Getting back to the basics (or to the DEFAULT if you will) of hard work, dedication and a commitment to loving yourself will no doubt help you finally achieve the level of wellness you strive for.